Via Fratelli Bronzetti, 8
20129 Milano
Web: coming soon
Email: ambrosini.studiomedco@gmail.com
Phone: +39.3425506835
Quasardam srl is a New-Co based in Milan (Italy). Its purpose is the research, acquisition and development of patents in the ophthalmic and medical fields in general, to obtain products and medical devices in the field of Photobiomodulation with a view to their commercialisation.
Currently, it is developing a platform of wearable devices capable of intervening on various pathologies, including those not related to ophthalmology.
The first patented medical device is based on the emission of photons with specific wavelengths for the treatment of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). with an emission peak exclusively in the visible spectrum, in particular red light, with a broad band and extremely low energy, so as to trigger favourable biological processes (reduction of oxidative stress) and at the same time avoid harmful effects (glare, increased temperature in the biological target and potential damage to DNA).
It is designed for home self-medication as it can be worn like glasses.
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