Prof. Chazot is Professor of Pharmacology, Durham University, UK. His research group focuses on the identification, characterisation and validation of novel therapeutic strategies (notably Photobiomodulation therapy, synthetic histamine and retinoid drugs, and biopsychosocial “skills not pills” and “Unmasking Pain” tools), for the treatment of the major chronic CNS disorders. We also are developing novel all-in-one AI monitored behavioural-marker tests for rodents, drosophila flies and humans (including lab-based and in-home AI devices). We have been developing since 2012, novel ways to provide a national community-based pain self-management programme, based on a biopsychosocial approach (www.livewellwithpain.co.uk and Gabapentin and Opioid Tapering Toolbox (GOTT) programme). Novel natural product drug (votucalis) for chronic neuropathic pain, now in pipeline, novel dual drug therapeutic for Post-concussion Syndrome); novel bioproduct for health recovery and injury, and a Namaste care end of life programme.
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